RiskCheck Connect
Process Digitization
Data Visualization and Insights
Quickly identify and evaluate high-risk activities across the organization with custom dashboards. Gain access to the data you need when you need it.
Promote integrated risk management, collaboration and improved decision making across the entire business.
Robust Reports
Real-time Data
Gain valuable insight into your operations, easily identify opportunity areas, and emphasize improvements with data visualization with key integrations like Power BI® being introduced.
This is a valuable tool to help gauge the overall performance of a specific aspect of a business process, portfolio, or property. When you have a benchmarking system in place you can: Determine if inefficiencies are present. Gauge utilization of a property. Identify ways to improve performance. Plan strategic real estate actions based on data. Reduce unnecessary costs. Set annual performance goals. Increase the value of real estate holdings
Platform Ecosystem
Developing and maintaining a compliant and low risk environment involves many stakeholders and evolving regulations. Our platform helps to navigate resulting complexities by connecting these factors all in one place, leading to accountability, traceability, and predictability of operations.